徐春保院士学术报告:Resourceful Utilization of Wet Biomass and Organic Solid Wastes by Hydrothermal Liquefaction
发布日期: 2023- 11- 07 访问次数:


报告专家:CHARLES CHUNBAO XU(徐春保)教授 Chair Professor of Advanced Biorefinery, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong

报告题目:Resourceful Utilization of Wet Biomass and Organic Solid Wastes by Hydrothermal Liquefaction 湿生物质和有机固体废弃物的水热液化资源化利用






This seminar introduces the context of the research related to carbon neutrality, biomass & bioresources, biomass/organic solid wastes conversion technologies & hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL), focuses on the results and recent accomplishment of Prof. Xu’s team on HTL of various bio-feedstocks for biocrude production, and co-production of biogas and biocrude oil from wastewater sludge and other lignocellulosic biomass, as well as HTL process upscaling. Prof. Xu will also share his future perspectives on advanced biorefinery for valorization biomass and biowastes.



Prof. Xu is currently Chair Professor of Advanced Biorefinery at City University of Hong Kong, Fellow of Chemical Institute of Canada (FCIC) and Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE). He was a tenured Full Professor between July 2014 and June 2023 and the NSERC/FPInnovations Industrial Research Chair in Forest Biorefinery (2011-2016) at Western University, acquiring an international reputation for research, innovations and industrial applications of high-value bioproducts from renewable resources, particularly development of bio-based chemicals and materials from forestry/ agricultural residues, catalytic conversion of glycerol and sugars into green hydrogen chemicals, and resources recovery from wastewater sludges and microalgae. He has authored/edited 3 books on biorefinery, and published 20+ book chapters and 300+ papers in peer-reviewed journals. In accordance to Google Scholar, his work has received over 18,000 total citations with an H-index of 72 to date, and was ranked among the 100,000 most-cited scientists in the world in 2019 and the top 2 percent of their sub-fields (0.22% in the energy sub-field). With 16 PCT/US/Canadian/Chinese Patents issued/pending, Dr. Xu has made outstanding contributions to applied science and engineering practice. He was the recipient of the 2011 Syncrude Canada Innovation Award and the 2019 Award in Design and Industrial Practice from Canadian Society of Chemical Engineering. He is Editor-in-chief for International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, and Associate Editor for Biomass and Bioenergy, as well as Resources Chemicals and Materials.

徐教授现任香港城市大学先进生物炼制中心讲席教授、加拿大化学联合会会士(FCIC)和加拿大工程院院士(FCAE)。他在20147月至20236月期间担任韦仕敦大学(Western University)终身正教授,并在韦仕敦大学森林生物炼制中心担任加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金会(NSERC)和森林和造纸创新联盟(FPInnovations)工业研究主席(2011-2016年),在可再生资源高价值生物产品的研究、创新和工业应用方面享有国际声誉,特别是从林业/农业残留物中开发生物基化学品和材料,将甘油和糖催化转化为绿色氢化学品,以及从废水污泥和微藻中回收资源。他撰写/编辑了3本关于生物炼制的书籍,并在同行评审期刊上发表了20多个章节和300多篇论文。根据Google Scholar的数据,到目前为止,他的工作共被引用18000多次,H指数为72,并跻身2019年世界上被引用次数最多的10万名科学家之列,在其子领域排名前2%(能源子领域为0.22%)。徐博士拥有16PCT/美国/加拿大/中国专利,为应用科学和工程实践做出了杰出贡献。他获得了加拿大化学工程学会颁发的2011年加拿大Syncrude创新奖和2019年设计与工业实践奖。他是International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering的主编,Biomass and Bioenergy以及Resources Chemicals and Materials的副主编。



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